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brand strategy

Kristin Svets is a wellness coach who had brand photos done in the past, but none of the sessions had a specific brand strategy around what she was doing and where she wanted to go in her business.

Wellness coach Chicago area Kristin Svets brand strategy

Brand Strategy for Chicago Area Wellness Coach

I’m not lying when I say I have rockstar brand clients. 🎸 It’s my heart’s work to help other small business owners share all their amazing-ness with the world. And I am beyond lucky to work with amazing people doing amazing things. Case in point? Here are some of my client wins: ​Dawn​ is a […]

woman on couch looking at albums and sheet music brand photography Chicago

My Rockstar Brand Clients

If you’re not seeing results from you’re last brand session, you’re doing it wrong. In fact, you might even have the impression that the problem is you…

Not seeing results from your brand photos? You’re doing it wrong.

woman journaling in chair you need a strategy for your brand photos

Is your website your worst employee? Did it stop carrying it’s load long ago (or maybe it never even did what it was supposed to do!)?

woman's hands typing on a laptop from overhead brand web design

Why Your Website is Your Worst Employee

In 2022 I had a brand mini session launch that stunk.

woman typing on laptop while standing at kitchen counter, survive a failed launch

3 Tips for Surviving a Failed Launch