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business tips

2024 was a year of big changes and big energy. Read all about my exciting moves and the lessons I’ve learned.

woman toasting with champagne brand photos

My Biggest Milestones and Lessons from 2024

If you’re not seeing results from you’re last brand session, you’re doing it wrong. In fact, you might even have the impression that the problem is you…

woman journaling in chair you need a strategy for your brand photos

Not seeing results from your brand photos?

Is your website your worst employee? Did it stop carrying it’s load long ago (or maybe it never even did what it was supposed to do!)?

Why Your Website is Your Worst Employee

woman's hands typing on a laptop from overhead brand web design

Brand photos are a great way to show your personality, and help your audience to connect with you, as well as create a consistent look and feel to your brand.

woman in yoga pose ways to use your brand images

6 Ways to Use Your Brand Photos

I sometimes wonder what 10-years-ago-me would think of my life now.

old photo of woman standing under a tree before class

What Would I Think of Myself Now?