posts filed in

brand strategy

In 2022 I had a brand mini session launch that stunk.

woman typing on laptop while standing at kitchen counter, survive a failed launch

3 Tips for Surviving a Failed Launch

I recently hosted my very first Chicago branding mini session day for coaches and creatives, and it was a total success! All the spots were booked within hours of launching them, and they were all filled completely by those on my exclusive waitlist.

smiling woman on a coaching holding a journal Chicago branding mini sessions

Spring Chicago Branding Mini Sessions

What a lavender cold foam iced matcha oatmilk latte from Starbucks taught me about client offerings.

How to Create Raving Fans of Your Brand

hand holding Starbucks cup with iced matcha latte in front of green wall

You’ve been meaning to book a photo session, but you have doubts about your brand photos. I mean it sounds easy in theory … but in reality? It’s terrifying.

woman reading book about love as she writes a wedding ceremony

Do You Have Doubts About Your Brand Photos?